The impact of "Transcending the crisis" event

When Si Alhir (Sinan Si Alhir) told me about the possibility of wanting to participate in the event, I didn't even think about it, of course I did. It has been an event that has exceeded my expectations and that goes beyond transformation as a human being.

The points of view shared by so many renowned professionals, so talented, and with a great desire for collaboration for wanting to change things that is a real gray rhino passing over.

You see it coming and you can do nothing but wait for its impact. And its impact has been amazing, synergies, multiple colleagues and collaborators spread across this planet, with so many points of view focused on managing uncertainty, from controlling silence with active listening to help, models to humanize society and companies, new leadership models that highlight the failure of traditional models, such as human power can help transform us as societies, have resonance, responsive companies, organizational resilience, develop antifragility, gain insight into the gray rhino strategy and its impact.

As through all these concepts, but much more through the depth of them, the human value of people, the approach as human beings to our fellow men, companies, we can create a new model of companies, society, planet , more conscious, deep, collaborative, sustainable, facing with another point of view the current uncertainty and that remains to come.

It is time to redefine collaborative, productive and value delivery models, the future of much-needed leadership in society, companies and the planet, new conscious, resilient leadership, with the power of conversations, responsive, resonant, adaptive and antifragile.

Eternally grateful to Si Alhir (Sinan Si Alhir), Barry Bettman, Ted Bauer, Scott Lewis, Maria Escobar-Bordyn, Whit Raymond, Mark DiGiovanni, Sunil Malhotra, Himanshu Saxena, Nigel Thurlow, Wendy Balman, Robert Claybrook, Mark Buchan, Miguel Fernandes Pala, Ciprian Alpiu Moga, Denise DiPiano, Bill Joiner, Graham Binks, Dr Paige Williams, Tony Bendell, Barry O'Reilly, Dana Klisanin, David Cushman, Roderick Lim Banda, Marguerite (de Villiers) Coetzee, Jeremy Denisty, Igor Mroz , Sara Robertson, Stephane Grenier, Richard Merrick, Brian Rich, Charlotte Weinberg, Todd Nilson, Rhonda York, Lisa Nemeth Cavanagh, Michele Wucker & Whit Raymond for all your input!